The Transformational Power of Fear

 Yoda was right.

“Fear,” the Jedi Master told a young Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, “is a path to the Dark Side.”

Fear is a powerful emotion, and it has a powerful effect on human beings. A little fear is actually a good thing. Fear keeps us from riding our motorcycles without a helmet. Fear reminds us to put a boiling pot of water outside the reach of any small hands. Fear keeps us from giving into momentary anger by reminding us about the consequences of our actions—before we suffer those consequences.


So yes, a little fear can go a long way.  

But not all fears are created equal.

Fear can help plant the seed of positive personal transformation—and fear can also nourish our worst traits. Genuine fear can help clarify and focus our thinking. Fear is also often the easiest excuse we use to justify all of our self-imposed limitations.

Each one of us, if we want to achieve the world-class version of ourselves, must ask the person in the mirror the following question: “Why aren’t I the person I want to be?”

Ninety percent of the time, the answer comes down to fear.

Fear of failure.

Fear of success.

Fear of what other people will think.

Fear of an increasingly unpredictable world.

Fear of your past.

Fear of your future.

Fear—and you’re not even really sure why.

The positive impact of fear is temporary. If you see a bear in the parking lot, temporary fear tells you the best thing to do is to stay inside of your car, but effective fear is the opposite of a lasting positive emotion, like genuine love. Fear is fleeting and quickly forgotten. If fear lingers much longer than a moment—and is not resolved through immediate action—it quickly becomes destructive.

At The Adventure Perspective, we work with clients to help them permanently remove self-imposed limitations created by unnecessary fear.


We help clients complete an outdoor adventure designed to keep them safe while pushing them beyond their physical, emotional, and intellectual comfort zones. By training for and then completing an outdoor adventure, attendees learn to face their fear and implement mental and physical strategies for managing those fears.

Your personalized adventure will include challenging outdoor activities that will inevitably lead you to confront fear. When you respond to fear by digging in harder, you have begun to transform into the person you always wanted to be.

Learning to manage and move beyond fear does that for us.

Your fear of success will become an open path toward achieving your career goals.

Your fear of failure will become a certainty that you aren’t doomed to keep repeating the mistakes of your past.

Your fear of your past will become an embrace of all the things that made you….well, you.

Your fear of the future will become the realization you made it this far, and the rest of your story is up to you.

You will never rid yourself of fear. One day there may be an actual bear in the parking lot, and if that is the case, overcoming the fear of the bear would be extraordinarily unwise. It is, after all, a bear.

But you can learn how to overcome the type of fear that is simply self-defeating, limiting, unnecessary, and toxic.

And you can have fun while you’re doing it.

Spending a month completing a customized training program designed to prepare you for an outdoor adventure in some of the most beautiful backcountry in the world is more than just an exercise in overcoming fear.

It is also one of the most rewarding and fun ways to discover the you you’ve always wanted to meet.

Stop being afraid of the life you deserve and start discovering how strong you really are.

Trust us, it will be an adventure you won’t want to miss.


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